Tuesday, January 14, 2025

McSweeny's being McSweeny's


One Upside of the Total Collapse of Civilization Is 

We Don’t Have to Be 

Woke Anymore

of course we will 

still be

woke, since we like it 


somehow think 

it is the only thing 

keeping the lights on 

even though we are (naturally) against 

any practical means 

of making electricity

Euphemism Treadmill

“Sex worker” seems less judgmental than prostitute. That’s the whole reason why we see it being used in place of "prostitute". The people who write, ‘sex worker” don’t want to be seen as judging people who social conservatives would have no problem openly judging. 

It’s not like “sex worker” writers never judge anybody. No, they’re quite willing to judge white, middle aged, heterosexual men, just for being white, middle aged, heterosexual men. It’s almost as if there’s some sociological law akin to conservation of energy, but with being judgmental.

Wordle 1096


Thursday, January 09, 2025

Clean and Jerk Anomaly

For the first time in a while I Clean & Jerked 155 lbs. today and did it 4 times!  I initially thought, "a long time" was maybe last fall, but looking through my notebook, the last time was July 2023!

The thing is, I am not stronger.  I think I just hit a sweet spot technique-wise.  From video, I think there's a lot more available to me: I am catching the bar with my legs hardly bent at all.  If I was catching in a low front squat, I'm pretty sure I could be regularly lifting 160. anomaly 

Shifting Blame and Learned Helplessness

The response of leftists to the blazes in Southern California are utterly predictable:  It's all the fault of global warming!

The problem with this approach is that it makes more fires, of this sort, utterly inevitable.  First of all, global warming didn't cause the fires--this area has always been arid and always subject to wildfires.  Second of all, repeat after me, nothing is, or will be done about human-caused emissions of CO2.

So, instead of waiting for the magic CO2 removal fairy to arrive, how about doing things which will work and can be done?

  • Better forest management.
  • Better water management
  • Having a fire department focused on being ready to fight fires and not on DEI
  • Building codes
  • Organizing communities to use local reservoirs (AKA swimming pools) to fight fires and keep brush and deadwood in their communities cleared

Wordle 1091


Saturday, January 04, 2025

60 and multiples of 60 are also round

 On December 20th I noticed that 62/2, though 66/6 all divide evenly.  Apparently this works for 120, 180, 240 and 360.  Enough for me to assume it works for every multiple.


182/2 = 91

183/3 = 61

184/4 = 45

185/5 = 37

186/6 = 31

The reason it should work for every multiple, is that if 2,3,4,5 and 6 go into 60 x times, each multiple will just be that multiple times x.  Then you're adding one of that multiple, so it will be that number, plus one.  So, 5/60 is 12 and 5/65 is 13.  Do the 3rd multiple 5/180 = 12 x 3 and 5/185 is 12 x 3 + 1 = 37.

Wordle 1086