Saturday, February 11, 2023

Things are mostly the same


The above is, as close as I could estimate, a 10 km radius from where I lived in Spokane, WA

This is a 10 km radius from where I live now.

The two aren't that different--both have a large metro area just outside the circle.  Boston is much large than Spokane, but these two suburban areas are very much the same, in terms of population density.

Wordle 398


Friday, February 10, 2023

New Clean & Jerk Marathon Record!

 In 21 lifts, 3,060 lbs.  This beats the record from last time I lifted by 18 lbs.

I started off rocky, with my initial try of 120 being a drop and having 8 drops before I hit 10 successful lifts.  I had only reached 147 lbs by lift 10, but all of the next 11 were at 150 lbs.

If you are curious, here are the rules I made-up for this "marathon"

Wordle 397


Sunday, February 05, 2023

A Hobson's Choice

I think it's worthwhile to give a single number for the level of dissatisfaction we would have with either man as president.

What I propose is (Angry - Enthusiastic) + (Dissatisfied - Satisfied)

Biden:     (30 - 7) + (32 - 29) = 26  net negative

Trump: (36 - 17) + (20 - 26) =  13 net negative

Conclusion:  We don't like either, but we dislike Biden as next president to twice the degree as we dislike Trump as next president.

Wordle 392

 A super rare 2!  (which according to Facebook memories, I did a 2 exactly one year ago) Here is the one from two years ago.