Sunrise — 7:01.
3 hours ago
Blogging, every once in a while, from the United States of Whatever!
I'm pretty sure my Garmin watch has malfunctioned: It says I ran a 5K in 12:07, the world record is 12:35. I'm pretty fit for my age, but the longest I could keep up a 4:00/mile pace was 1/4 mile, when I was 18.
Also, this watch calculates VO2 Max. The data it has available for this are, my weight, pulse and how fast I'm going. Men who can run 4:00 minute miles have VO2 Max levels in the low 80's, so why did it give me a 42 for the day? Normally I get around 45.Right before the run, the watch wanted to update the software, but I post phoned that for later. Maybe that's why its brains were scrambled.