Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukraine's Choices

 1.  Surrender immediately: Civilian casualties will be minimized, but their country would likely be broken-up and the remainder turned into a satellite of Russia.

2. Dig-in and fight.  Make it costly for the Russians to take the country, but use this war of attrition as a means of getting to the bargaining table.  Pros:  Likely a better political outcome than option # 1, but there will be a cost of death, injury and destruction.  The danger of this approach is that they give Russia too much of a black eye and back Putin into demanding unconditional surrender.

3. Fight to the bloody end.  Refuse to negotiate.  Pros:  They could end up with a better outcome than option # 2.  Cons:  They could end-up with a much worse political outcome than option #1 and suffer horrendous levels of death, injury and damage. 

Wordle 48


Wednesday, February 23, 2022