Monday, December 01, 2008

I'm not that fanatical, look at these guys!

I use my lunch break at work to go running and I get my fair share of grief about it when I run in bad weather. Around here that can be a lot of the year. Summers of 90F and high humidity, Winters of heavy snow and rain at any time of the year.

Now, I usually don't let the weather stop me, but I do not run every day. I normally take Saturdays off for running errands. Also, it is nice to take a day off before my traditionally hardest run on Sundays.

There are people, mostly guys but some women, who have run every single day for years. Years! Every single day!

Check it.

There is a guy who has run every day, every single day since July 23rd 1968.

Compared to that guy I am barely an aficionado.

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