Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Running in 2018

I've been using the same Running Ahead app for 7 years now and have a total of 9,625 miles. So my total for 2018 does not look great at 866 miles, when the average per year is 1,375. Unless I decide to train for a marathon again, I will not be likely to hit that average again. The most I ran last year was in December, 113 miles. Even this was an outlier, most months were low 70 to low 90. The first two months were 16 and 30 respectively.

What had happened is that my Achilles on both sides, but especially the left, were tender and sore. I tried to be very gentle for healing last Jan and Feb, but they didn't improve. With running, they have improved but are still not anywhere close to 100%.

My goal for 2019 is to average 90-100 miles/month and try to get some speed back. The girls got me a Garmin for Christmas and this might help, since it keeps track of highest speeds at different distances within a work-out. I think my best mile time (7:57/mile) since I got the watch was in an 8 mile run.

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