Monday, April 15, 2019

Packing the Supreme Court

This is the latest brainstorm by the progressive left and as usual, short-sighted.

Fake reason: The court needs to be expanded to handle the work-load.

Trump response: At the inevitable debate, he asks his opponent what size the court should be to handle the all the cases in a timely manner. The Democrat gives his pat answer (say it should go from 9 to 15 members). Trump, "Then will you support me appointing 6 more justices tomorrow"?

Real reason: Progressives want a liberal majority so they can have a free path to re-making the country.

So, the next time there is a Democratic president and Democratic majority in the Senate, they appoint whatever number of justices get them to a majority. Question: Wouldn't the Republicans, once they have the same situation, just do the same thing? Eventually, the court would have thousands of members. Does that seem like a stable situation?

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