Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Covid-Dog 5-Day "Weekends"

Our dog has always had the luxury of having me, my wife or both of us at home on work-days.  With Covid, we're coming up on two years of both of us working from home every day.  Except weekends.  Weekends are off, for us.

What our dog likes, is to lay around--usually in my wife's ground-floor office, but very occasionally, in my 3rd floor lair.  I like to think that it's because she (the dog) is lazy, rather than that she loves my wife more than she loves me.  The dog is lazy and old, but she really does love my wife over me, though I think she loves and somewhat fears me.

Machiavelli, may have said that it's better to be feared than loved and that it's best to be feared and loved, but the dog would rather hang out with someone she loves and does not fear.

On a normal work day, this is the ideal situation for the dog.  This is her weekend.  She is at ease and happy.  Our weekend is her work week.  On the weekends we run errands and leave her behind.  She doesn't know when we will be back, she stays calm but there's got to be some tension:  What about being fed, or let outside for bodily functions?  This absence of my people is untenable!  Or we taker her on an outing to give her some exercise.  Again with the work!  When will these two days be over and I can settle into my 5-day weekend?

This is what she's thinking, on our weekend, which is her work-week.

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