Tuesday, September 13, 2022

What They Say

 And what they vote for, are very different...

There's lots of talk about how conservative states are "extreme" on abortion restrictions, but a lot of silence about states with literally no restrictions at all.

According to Guttmacher, OR, CO, NM, VT, NJ and AK have no limit on abortion--which would seem to be exactly as extreme, but in the opposite direction as states with complete bans.

Of course, all of that would be moot if  H.R.3755 — 117th Congress (2021-2022), which got overwhelming support from Democrats, becomes law:  (all 218 yea votes were from Democrats, one voted nay)

Two provisions could wipe out any limits:

"(4) Whether the limitation or requirement is reasonably likely to have the effect of necessitating a trip to the offices of a health care provider that would not otherwise be required.

(5) Whether the limitation or requirement is reasonably likely to result in a decrease in the availability of abortion services in a given State or geographic region."

If you can get a full-term abortion in the above 5 states, but you live in one of the other 45 and want this kind of service, then these provisions apply.

In addition, the law uses the same "health" language as Roe, which courts later limited, but which prevented states from banning late term abortions. 

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