Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Why 3?

Nowadays, having 3 kids is a lot, but some people have far more--most couples have one or two.  If you want to have a large family, 3 is a pretty natural stopping point:

Homes with 4 bedrooms* are not the most common, but they're common enough that they're not hard to find.  Once you get above 4 bedrooms, those are rare.

Most cars seat 5 people.  Minivans and SUVs that hold more than 5 are available, but owning two of them means that every commute is done with a low mileage vehicle and every two-car garage will feel tight.

*Our oldest, who is closing in on her Ph.D. once asked us, when she was very young, if we were poor.  I replied that we were fairly well-off, though not rich and asked why she thought we might be poor.  She answered, "How come you and mommy have to share a bedroom"?

Wordle 1167


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Possible Accidental Humor


Okay, show more...

Fine, translate post...

The expanded view.

The Proposed Congressional Map of Louisiana.

 This is what a gerrymander looks like:  

The 6th is a long thin diagonal line, which also distorts the 4th and the 5th. The 4th has two big parts and then a narrow isthmus that wraps around the top of the 6th. The 5th is the same, with a narrow part where Alabama juts into the western border of Louisiana between the two large parts of the 5th.

Wordle 1166


Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Despite Massive Cuts to Higher Ed, We Faculty Are Thrilled about Our New Multi-Million-Dollar Football Coach

Auto-Pen Pardons

 Quintessential Althouse  

of course there's evidence that Biden wasn't aware of what he was signing. Evidence is anything that makes a fact in issue more (or less) likely. The use of the auto-pen is evidence that Biden didn't know what was signed. And any evidence of Biden's mental decline is evidence that he didn't know. The word "evidence" is routinely misused. 

 In case it isn't clear, I mean quintessential Althouse in a good way.

Wordle 1159


Monday, March 17, 2025

McSweeney's per Normal


A Day in the Life of a 

Nonbinary Person, 

as Imagined by 

MAGA Republicans

Wordle 1158