Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cancel Culture Doesn't Exist--Also, If You Speak-Out Against Cancel Culture, You Will Be Cancelled

Gina Carano ought to be the sort of actress that our betters push forward as a role-model. 

In a world where it's controversial for a straight man to play a homosexual character (It's called acting!) why is it that waif-like actresses are regularly starring in roles where they fight beefy-looking men by the bushel and always come out on top and nobody says, "Why don't they cast a woman who could, you know, realistically be able to do that?

Ms. Carano is and looks like the kind of woman who has the size, strength and training to play these roles--without total suspension of disbelief.

But then what happened?  She pointed out the well-documented and apparently not taught anymore, details of how the NAZIs carried out the Holocaust.  The first steps were propaganda campaigns which portrayed Jews as sub-human, devious, etc. This paved the way for discriminatory laws and ultimately, to genocide.

Here is what she wrote:

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,”

The parallel is not exact when it comes to political beliefs v. an ethno religious group, but neither is it far-fetched.  People can change their religion as well as their politics, but generally they remain in whatever group they came from.

I can already hear the retort:  But they believe hateful things!  We will have to agree to disagree on that. For myself, I'm a lot more threatened by the many prominent members of society who seem sober and yet propose things like "deprogramming", "re-education" and 
"truth commissions" for half the country.  Meanwhile, conservatives propose being left alone, letting us keep more of our earnings and allowing us to keep and bear the means of self-defense.

Added:  My admiration for Ms. Carano being cast into The Mandelorian role was prior to me having any knowledge of her politics.  My assumption, things being as they are, is that unless otherwise ruled-out; I always think every actor is a leftist.