Saturday, March 05, 2022

Wordle 55

 Line 1: I always open with yesterday's answer.

Line 2: Normally I will use my clues, which in this case means that I would use the letter E.  In this case, I decided to knock-out two more vowels and three consonants.  All I really accomplished was the elimination of some letters, but I picked up the R.

Line 3:  I used the clues and found the I, as well as two more places where the E and R shouldn't go.

Line 4: Found all the locations for the letters I had so far.

Line 5: This could have been BRINE or PRICE so I went with the first one because PRICE seemed too common of a word.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wordle 49


Weekly score: 5 games took three tries, 1 each of 4 and 5.