Friday, March 31, 2023

Lawmaker Weighs In


Not just a lawmaker, as we call members of Congress--she was recently the Speaker of the House.

We're in the best of hands...

Best comment:

Wordle 446


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

This Isn't 20 Questions

My wife was, to put it mildly, overly doting on our daughters.  At breakfast or lunch, she would, using dulcet tones, ask--would you like this?  No.  How about this?  No.

This is where I would interpose, Tell us what you want, if we have the ingredients, we will make it for you.

This was the opening to Midnight Diner:

"When people finish their day and hurry home, my day starts. My diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. They call it "Midnight Diner". [cut to menu listing "pork miso soup combo, beer, sake, shochu"] That's all I have on my menu. But I make whatever customers request as long as I have the ingredients for it. That's my policy. Do I even have customers? More than you would expect"

Though, I did the 20 questions thing a long time before every hearing about Midnight Diner.  Still, I like the way "The Master" thinks and acts.

Wordle 443

 19th loss.