Thursday, March 28, 2024


It's a term which is somewhat vague but perhaps can be boiled down to; a man explaining something to a woman, something she already knows.

Anytime anyone explains something and they weren't directly asked to explain that thing, there is a possibility of explaining something they already know.  The ability to take cues and explain where it seems to be needed and wanted, is a skill and people have this skill to wildly different levels.  There's two kinds of errors which are possible:  Not explaining something that you should have explained and explaining something unnecessarily. 

Something I've noticed, is that women who complain a lot about mansplaining, also have a pet peeve of having a man say, "I know" when they are trying to explain something to him.  They are good at noticing when men fail to read their mind, but refuse to believe that they could fail at mindreading themselves: They'd rather believe that the man is lying about knowing something he doesn't really know.

Wordle 804


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Baltimore Bridge Collapse

We've all seen a lot of bridges and it seems as if the ones I've noticed have a wide concrete pier around where the towers go into the water.  I had assumed this was to prevent exactly this sort of thing.  Maybe container ships have grown to the point that the above water part can hit the tower before the underwater part runs aground. 

Going forward, maybe the replacement should be a tunnel, or a bridge such that the towers are located on land or in shallow water, such that a ship will not be able to reach this vulnerable structure under any circumstance. 

Added:  The span had some bit of pier around it, but the supports are very close to the edge.  This was a disaster waiting to happen.

Wordle 802