I am almost certainly not the first person to think of this and it is probably not efficient with energy but it really works:
If you have ever make a large batch of spaghetti sauce, chili or other thick fluid-type food, the problem is that you want to cook it a long time and reduce the water level until it is very thick. The problem is that as it thickens, even on the lowest stove setting, it can scorch.
My solution is that once you have mixed all the ingredients together on the stove top, put a cover on the pot and put the whole thing into the oven set to 212 F. This will be high enough to keep the sauce at the boiling point (which is as hot as it can get on the stove top) but it will be too cool to scorch.
If you need for there to be some water loss, you can simmer with the lid off on top of the stove until it gets thick enough for there to be a scorching danger, then do the oven from there.
The wild and wacky world of car rental
3 hours ago