Too many to list them all.
From what we had seen of Rome's driving, I had increasing dread as the day approached of us getting a rental car. On the other hand, full sized buses plied these roads and never seemed to crash into people, other cars or immovable objects. On the other, other hand: I have zero experience on these roads.
The first day was (or should have been) easy: It was Sunday morning--the most empty time for roads. Problems cropped up right away: I had to make a U-turn (it was a legal one). I turned too sharp and ended up in a trolley lane instead of the opposite car lane. I zoomed up to the next intersection and then got into the right lane. Boom! The Carabinieri were on my tail, lights flashing! I pulled-over with a sinking feeling of failure and they sped past me.
Plenty of other events: Waiting for a cattle crossing, being led down a glorified goat-path: "This can't possibly be the fastest way between Campodimele and Sorrento"! Followed by: "Why did Trixie wait till the road dead-ended before telling us to turn around"? I guess it should have been obvious, given her name. And finally: Why don't Italians have dead-end signs? If any place needs them it is Italy!
The wild and wacky world of car rental
3 hours ago