Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wordle 66

 I finally lost one!

I knew that there were a lot of words which could be formed from  _ATER but by then, I had only one guess in which to try and eliminate a few.  Some were already excluded, like WATER, HATER, TATER, LATER, EATER. But many remained, like  CATER, MATER, RATER, DATER, OATER, FATER, GATER, 

Added:  When something unpleasant happens, sometimes a nice thing happens and gives you a consolation prize.  After some weeks (or should I say weaks) of failing to clean and jerk 155 lbs. not only did I make that weight today, but I did it 4 times and a couple of the tries were pretty effortless feeling.

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