Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One fine day in France

Four men huddle around a café table in the outskirts of Paris and are seen to be chatting about something very serious…

Amaury: That was a very interesting practice session we just had today.

Alain: We are going to smash those Americans—we just beat the world record by more than 3 seconds and will do even better in China.

Fred G.: Take it easy Alain; these new suits might be responsible for some of time we shaved off and…

They fall silent for a moment as a waiter walks close-by their table, the waiter notices the sudden silence and the faint scent of chlorine in the area.

Fred B.: Yes! The Americans and everyone else has these suits too.

Alain: You guys are acting like, how you say in English? Cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys. I say let us trash talk the Americans. Then crush them.

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