Monday, October 20, 2008

A Mark Steyn classic

Joe the Plumber vs. Joe the Hair-Plugger Put that in your pipe and solder it.

By Mark Steyn

Supposedly, under the Obama tax plan, 95 per cent of the American people will get a tax cut. You’d think that at this point the natural skepticism of any sentient being other than six-week-old puppies might kick in, but apparently not. If you’re wondering why Obama didn’t simply announce that under his plan 112 per cent of the American people will get a tax cut, well, they ran it past the focus groups who said that that was all very generous but they’d really like it if he could find a way to stick it to Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove and whatnot. So 95 per cent it is.

Should you read it all? Yes.


Anonymous said...

Tax cuts are very irresponsible and have proven twice not to stimulate the economy very minimal if at all. I don't know why the two of them can't focus on balancing the budget and the $400 billion dollar deficit. THEN, let's focus on the debt. All these fat liberal programs they both tout with absolutely no way to pay for them. NUTTY

dbp said...

Giving the govt. more tax money is like giving a drunk more booze: It will quiet him for a bit, but solve nothing.