Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rider Pick-Up Follies

A couple of weeks ago, I was leaving work and there was a black SUV in front of the building, with a driver in front of it holding a sign that said Batra. Somehow, I thought this was hilarious. It is like if Air Force 1 landed and the Secret Service limo driver was holding up a sign that said Trump. Batra, in case you do not know, is the CEO. So the driver is the only person around who does not know what he looks like.

Then yesterday, a group of three young people were leaving the building with suitcases. Right outside was a silver Rav4. A young lady in the group took out her phone and said, "we are looking for a silver Toyota Rav4". They looked at the car confusedly and finally realized that this was their ride.

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