Tuesday, September 25, 2018

College Days

Scene: A teen aged boy is in his dorm room at Yale. The only illumination is a desk lamp, by the lamp, in the light, is a US History book. Brett Kavanaugh is outlining chapters.

There is a knock on the door:

Brett: Enter! The door is open.

Mike (a friend who is also in the history course) enters: Still studying for that quiz on Monday?

Brett: I'm not sure why I am bothering, I studied with Steve Kantrowitz a couple of days ago and I think I have it all down.

Mike: Yeah Steve is really into history, I bet he will end up majoring in it.

They both laugh dismissively.

Mike: So Brett, were you messing with Steve?

Brett: Of course, always. But what do you mean specifically?

Mike: He said that you, quote: are a "deflowerer of multitudes".

Brett: Y'know that old Robert Heinlein saying about lying by telling the truth unconvincingly?

Mike: Yeah, I remember you mentioning it sometime...

Brett: Well, I've been experimenting with telling a lie, so outrageously, that the person has no excuse for not knowing it is a lie. It's my attempt at humor.

Mike: Well, I think Steve is dense: He is repeating the story and is acting like you're some sort of God, and not a Man, here at Yale.

Brett: Snort! Save the comedy for the professionals, Mike. I will let Steve continue in his obtuse way, he will probably end up a history professor at some Midwestern state U. He will never need a functional BS detector.

End of scene.

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