Friday, January 11, 2019

Business Plan for 23andMe Or Similar Operations

Often there are tiered services: The basic heritage report for $x and then more health data for some further charge or upgrade.

What I propose is a barter: The service would give the upgrade in trade for phenotype data. Specifically, an image of the customer's face as well as scans of fingerprints and footprints. AI had made it possible to use facial recognition software as a screening tool for genetic abnormalities and it has been known since before I took medical genetics over 30 years ago, that similar inferences can be made by dermatoglyphics.

It is really a classic win-win. Neither side has to spend much time or effort on their side but gets valuable data for themselves in return.

If any of you service organizations want to do this, toss a bit of money my way first. It will be better than waiting until you have made a billion dollar business out of it and then I come by with a blog post dated from two years before you launched the idea.

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