Wednesday, July 06, 2022

AOC Original v AOC Improved

 I don't know who did this photoshop, but unlike most such projects, this is an improved version.

The blonde hair, blue eyes and fair complexion are interesting, but are not what makes the new version more attractive.  The fuller lips, especially the upper lip make her look more feminine.  The original has flared nostrils, which makes her seem angry.  the bottom version has those nostrils under control and she seems calm.  The original eyebrows are a bit thick and unkempt for my taste, the improved version tones them down.  Finally, I think the artist (I couldn't figure out who it was through Google image search) widened the eyes and face slightly, to give a more wide-eyed and rounded appearance.

The image search turns up other images of AOC, so it is still recognizably her--at least to computers.  To me, she went from looking Hispanic to looking Slavic.

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