Monday, August 15, 2022

Are Words Capable of Violence?


Why can someone make you cry - real, literal tears - with their words and never touching you if words can't have physical effects? 2/
Why can words make your heart literally beat faster? Blood to flow differently in your veins? Can cause literal headaches? How can words do all of that if they have no literal-physical effects? 3/
Words can't do any of these things. A person may have an emotional response to hearing certain words in some particular order, but then it isn't the words, all by themselves that are doing anything.
This might be similar to an allergen. The reaction is a hyperimmune response to something which isn't intrinsically harmful--most people can eat peanuts but some people are allergic. The illness is the improper function of the immune system, not poisonous peanuts.
David Pecchia
Replying to and
People have no physical control over their immune system, but everyone can control their emotions to one extent or another. If the proposal is to ban certain words, bans carry the threat of violence. So, we are proposing actual violence in order to prevent figurative violence.

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