Friday, June 23, 2023

Steak Knives

For ages, we served steak with ordinary table knives--we call them butter knives, but they have a discreet serration. 

Eventually we purchased some slim steak knives that worked a bit better, since the pointy-ended tip could dissect meat away from tricky bone angles.  

All that said, I kind of like the showmanship of being presented with an absurdly large, back-woods-looking knife at a steak house.  It's like they are saying, "You, sir are special, because you ordered "the steak" at this steak house".

At some point, we were planning a large cookout, which would involve cuttable meat an got another set of knives, which were a lot like the restaurant ones--and kind of served the same purpose, impressive to our guests.  I used the slim type, because it's better and frees-up a flashy one for the visitors.

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