Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Retcon

So, I was at a party and guess who was there?  

I don't know Laura, was it your Ex?  

Jesus Kim!  Way to spoil my big reveal!  

Ok, so how was the former Mr. Laura? 

He's fine, he got re-married and has like, 3 kids.  He showed me their pictures and they're cute--God damn him.

Did he ask about you?  

Yeah, he asked if I was married.  I said, "no" and was going to explain that I've been too busy to date, what with being in grad school for most of that time, but someone called to him and he said, "Great to see you, gotta run".

So, I decided to change the story, in slight and unimportant ways.  It'll make a good poster for the protest next week. 

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