Monday, July 22, 2024

Not Me

Not me, but there have got to be people thinking along these lines:

They tried to keep Trump off the ballot and lost in the Supreme Court.

They thought convicting him in a novel and far-fetched way would crater Trump in the polls. It didn't, he gained in the polls.

They didn't expect Biden to perform so badly in the debate.

Now it's an emergency!

You know what would be a really good plan?  Let Trump get assassinated by having really lax security, combined with calling him Hitler 24/7, to encourage a few lunatics to take things into their own hands.  Then Biden could bow-out by saying that he's old, wants to retire, but only stayed in to keep Trump from turning the US into a dictatorship.

The attempt on Trump's life failed--by pure blind luck.  But Biden still needs to quit, since everyone knows he's a zombie.

What will they do next?  

I wouldn't bet against something big and ugly--nothing more dangerous than a cornered beast. 

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