Friday, August 23, 2024

A Possible Google Interview question

  •  Are you familiar with vinyl LP records?
  • Do you happen to know what "LP" stands for?  If you don't know, please guess. (Long Playing)
  • What speed, in RPM do these records play at?  If they don't know, tell them 33 1/3
  • How much music is held on an LP?  Bear in mind, they have two sides and you can have content on both sides.  Tell them about 25 minutes per side but some is lost in gaps between songs.
  • How many grooves are there in an album?  The true, but mathematically trivial answer is 2, one on each side, but for this exercise; how many grooves would you have to cross if you went from the rim to the center in a straight line?  They must do this in their head:
In 3 minutes, the record will have made exactly 100 revolutions, there are (for ease of math), 21 minutes per side and 3 goes evenly into 21 7 times.  So, 700 grooves per side or 1,400 grooves total.

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