Wednesday, August 14, 2024

One Of These is a Big Problem

People like to dunk on the US over the 19,592 died by firearm homicide in 2022 (the latest figures I could find.  They are also fond of including Over 26,993 people died by firearm suicide, as if these have any moral connection to each other.

Did you know that Canada, often compared very favorably compared to the US has a lot of assisted suicide?

In 2022 there were 13, 241 medically assisted suicides in Canada.  The country has about 1/9 that of the US, so that would be about 120,000 per year.

Which is more horrifying?  Well, our 46,585 were all considered crimes.  So, they're bad and we have the decency to call them bad.  Their, equivalent of, 120,000 are legal and officially something to be proud of.

Maybe it's just me, but I find the latter to be much, much more horrifying.   

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