Thursday, October 09, 2008

Cause or effect?

This is a classic vicious cycle: The voters (being dumb on average) go for the new guy when the market is down. Shareholders (being smart on average) see that the Senator is gaining popularity and know that Obama's policies will likely hurt the economy. So they try to get out of the market and stock prices go down.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Update: Just saw that the Club for Growth had the same idea--and better charting.

Update 2: Maybe electing The One will help...


Anonymous said...

Yes, this is why, despite all the honesty and benefits McCain would bring to the office, he will not win, unfortunately. The economy is in too bad a shape and McCain tried to jump in bed with his party too much and said remarks which did not distance himself from Bush. On to 2012 for someone else!

dbp said...

I am amused that the American people are about to empower the people who actually caused the problem.
See this post, and this one too.