Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Why The Shock And Awe?

 In a simple term:  Epistemic Closure

People on the left like the idea of abortion as a right.  They were happy to assume that since it is unquestionably a right, it must somehow be in the Constitution.  Maybe they should have read the document once.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The clear indication of a statement like this is obvious:  The constitution is telling us that it is not an encyclopedia of all rights and laws. 

A simple reading of the Roe opinion, to a person of normal intelligence and decent reading comprehension, would show that this "right" was made up out of thin air.  There is some marvel that it was written at all, even more that it lasted so long.

Now, regulation, or the lack thereof, in states, will have to be debated.  The left is ill-equipped to embark on this.  As above, they assumed it was a Constitutional right and didn't need to be debated at all, so they have become flabby, intellectually, on this subject.  They make a number of mistakes:  I won't list them all, but start with the largest ones.

1. Assume the premise:  They will take it as a given, not a debatable point that an unborn Human is:  a)  Not alive  or b) Has no moral value.  I won't debate these here, but will note that people on the side of life, do not concede these points.

2. This is related to 1. but also it's own thing.  Bring up reasons why a woman may want an abortion, as if that settles the argument.  Nobody on the life side denies that women may want or have good reasons to desire the termination of a pregnancy.  The whole debate is a balance between these interests and the inherent right of a Human Being to have its life legally protected from destruction.  

This is the location where all of the debate needs to take place!

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