Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Astronomy done in your head...

On my trip this last weekend we were driving back from hiking and noticed the Moon. It was low in the sky and looked to be a couple of days away from being full. It was hilly country, but the sky was bright and I thought it might be right at or right before sunset based on how light it was. The Moon was high enough that I figured it rose before sunset. I didn't know the answer yet, but figured that given what we know about the moon we should be able to figure out if it was getting fuller or less full. (Waxing or Waning, I know)

I tried to picture the above sketch in my head and got the answer exactly backwards: Now that I have the sketch (and assuming I am right that the moon orbits from West to East) the Moon should be growing if it rises between sunrise and sunset.

Now I will go check the Internet tubes to see if the Moon is waxing...

Hmmn. It is full tonight and it wasn't full on last Saturday, so I guess I got it right.

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