Saturday, October 04, 2008

A saturday of odds and ends

I got the assignment of taking Jemma to a birthday party at the butterfly place since Vaishali had a cavalier king charles meetup at the same time.

Since I was over in Westford anyway, I figured I would go to the observatory and have a look around. It was a perfect Fall day--in the 60's, bright and crisp. I wish I brought my camera since there were lots of cool giant scientific instruments littering the site. Here is a picture from the website:

After wandering around the observatory for an hour, I zipped over to Marx Running and Fitness Center to see if they had any racing shoes. I'm not sure how much difference they really make, but I always had racing shoes in High School and it seems to have a psychological benefit if nothing else.

I was telling the guy who helped me at the store that their advertising with the Bay State Marathon is paying-off, since I didn't know about their store until I saw it on the Bay State site. He kind of chuckled a bit and noted that the relationship went beyond "advertising" as he was the race director for the marathon. I recovered by saying I was glad to meet him and really looking forward to the race in two weeks.

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